god is angry

hello .. i live in the middle of nowhere.. in a church.. that i am renovating.. by myself.. LIKE A FUCKING CRAZY WOMAN.. i worked my ass off working two full time jobs for years to get this place, my first home, so i'm determined to succeed in transforming it from a cracked fucked falling down dust trap mouse haven with bats in the roof into a veritable temple of pure awesomeness.. i have given up approximately five thousand times, and i've only been here a year.. thankyou.. thankyou.. you're too kind.. i started this blog to document the insanity that is renovating a place where you actually LIVE.. so that i may look back on it if ever i wish to try it again.. anyway today's drama goes thusly.. god heard me talking to the carpenter about how i wanted a large titted sphinx as a gargoyle placed right where the crucifix used to be "down with cock worship!" i exclaimed while punching the air .. (hey man THEY knock the crucifix off the top when they sell a church to a commoner.. so they're fuckin askin for it i say) shortly after expressing my wishes to the bemused tradesman, it came to my attention that the chimney,(built thirty years ago by a totally incompetent whacko) is sinking within the foundation perimetre of the church,( built 130 years ago by experts) and is consequently pulling the attached wall, roof and loft floor out of kilter to such a degree that complete destruction is inevitable unless it is completely removed.. FUCK i tell you.. the thing is a monster several metres wide at the base and towering around ten metres high.. on friday i am hiring a cherry picker for the weekend, towing it here, and rain hail or shine i am taking that motherfucker down brick by brick.. which should be a reasonable amount of fun but then there'll be a gaping hole in my roof just in time for winter and when i take the 5m by 3m INSIDE section down.. it'll be like living in a place made entirely of dust.. with extra dust.. and some fucking dust ontop.. the thing is a metre from my bed.. the carpenter told me i'd have to encircle it with huge sheets of plastic to cordon it off from my living areas or i would not be able to stand it.. i can hardly stand this place NOW! i'm already surrounded by bits of wood and metal and bags of podwery stuff and sheets of whatever and piles of this and boxes of that and bits of machinery and yes the odd pheasant so there.. this may be my first and final post as i may die from falling alot or choking on the dust of a thousand bricks, buggered if i know.. it's just the next huge mission really.. mark my words god - still puttin the sphinx on.. and her titties will be bigger than ever..
You are mental. If you were a dog, you would be shot.
and now you will bother the world with your insanity!!!!!
you have all been warned!
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