Pod, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i'm lonely, and that.. n stuff.. stopped work on the place.. can't really be fucked bein alive really.. it's just too much for one lonely chick.. dropped ian off at the airport, never to return, car died in airport loading dock, went and saw dad at peter mac.. he was, as always, really fucken annoying and i wish the chemo would hurry up and make him barf, as it would be heaps nicer than the projectile diharrhoea that constantly explodes from his mouth.. mmm fleshy olive.. am having the last little bits of food in all the little containers in the fridge for "dinner at my keyboard" tonight, featuring three ancient olives that are as shrivelled as an old boy's scrotum, some VERY naughty ham that's probably rancid and half a jar of oil that once had nice cheese in it! I know i said this blog was going to centre on my renovations, but fuck them, it's all about me!!!!!!!! fuck them all.. no.. wait.. fuck you.. fuck you all, especially if you're a half demolished chimney, an untiled shower recess, a half installed kitchen, an errant benchtop or an unpolished floor, and fuck you particularly if you are a structural renovation.. fuck you in the deepest recess of your ass canal.. I CANNOT BE FUCKED ANYMORE. ofcourse in saying this i am only one step closer to realising that in fact i can be fucked again.. but right now i just cannot be fucked. I put up a greenhouse, (3.5 metres by 2 metres by 2 metres) and THE NEXT NIGHT there was a wind storm, i went out about midnight and there it was inflated by a gust and floating eerily, standing on its end ontop of the fence, caught on a picket.. the steel frame, formerly house shaped was bent into a diamond shape, and as it jumped around the place, it demolished my little fig trees, now they're just broken sticks in the ground, fuck them. As i tried to pull the thing back down to the ground, the wind died and the plastic sheath of the greenhouse parachuted over me in a perfect house shape so i grabbed hold. outside there was a fucken hurricane and i'm surprised that i didn't end up in some faraway place with a scarecrow, a lion and a friggin tin man. as i eventually wrestled it into manageable-ness in the pissing rain Pod was cowering in fear as, unlike Toto, he is a useless pussy.i came out yesterday morning to find he had somehow opened the refridgerator and chewed the remaining meat from the carcass of a roast chicken which was consequently in little pieces all over the floor.. i got up THIS morning and the cat had somehow managed to pull said carcass out of the opposable-thumbs -only- pull- open- bin for another waltz around the kitchen.. i'd hate him, if i could be fucked, but for now, i'll just settle for watching him meow incessantly on the other side of the window "heathcliff! let me in! i'm a cunt and i abandoned you but you know you love me let me in! sosso soos soo soo c c c cold!" whatever kitty boy. keep whinin ya fuck. watched matrix 2 last night.. just to remind me of why i walked out of the cinema trying to convince myself i hadn't seen it the first time.. such a crap sequel.. and i don't reckon i could watch the third one tonight as i will fucking slash my wrists if i have to watch neo say goodbye to trinity.. sob, anyway, i've seriously applied to the organic nursery/farm thing, it will be good to work away from my house.. fuck i'm sick of the state of this place.. i think i'll study naturopathy, or possibly kill myself, probably the former, so sig yes i got your texts but couldn't be fucked replying as they were gay. no i'm enjoying being single, etc.. ps what's this about a masquerade party? i've had too many salty old man's balls olives, and not enough meat.. maybe i will let the cat in... oh sig, if this half spoken plan revolving around a fantastical masquerade party falls on its ass, there is always .... the hippy party.. no kiddin, this guy's name is Mischael (pronounced like the girl's name michele) he is a weird german guy who lives in the forest behind my dad's land, him and his wife are "white witches" no shit this guy has a beard Gandalf could get lost in.. and his dog's name is.. wait for it.. Equinox.. i tell you.. when i heard that.. i was on the floor.. Equinox, the german man witch's dog... i mean CUMMMMONNNN Sig! the guy's GERMAN!!! NOT taking a jew would be bad form.. sadly the commute presents a constant cunt.. and there is that factor of me not wanting to go AS I CANNOT BE FUCKED doing ANYTHING, but the idea is there.. and there's a strange party going on inside my head now, so i've already been really,
tra la tra la
tra la tra la
The masquerade party won't fall through coz it's a big event thing at a goth club. Woot, goth perving!
The maskerade ball should be more fun than the strange german hippy dude and his dog.
Come out and revel
Try and leave some of your troubles behind
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