like an eskimo in hell
omg i have heat stroke. i was gardening manically yesterday and as i have extremely pussy skin i have to cover
up entirely so i had a hat, a high necked- long sleeved top, long pants, gloves, boots.. i look like i'm protecting myself against nuclear fallout when i have to spend time in the sun.. i worked like a little devil chipping all the mortar off old chimney bricks so i could use them as a garden wall near the front door.. i also spent a bit of time in the green house which was fun as it was minimum 30 degrees OUTSIDE the greenhouse, then i moved alot of rocks that weighed more than i did into a garden bed shape.. after all this i had an extremely hot bath and as i am a tight ass with
my tank water, i made the bath too hot, and wouldn't let any out to put more cold in so i
just sat there in the boiling bath and waited for it to cool down. forgot i had insulated the tub with batts. turned red like lobster. went to bed with headache.. woke up with powerdrill stabbing hole in forehead.. nauseous as fuck.. puked guts up.. drank water.. puked again.. headache became insane and didn't abate even after four panadols.. it was like a monster hangover minus the spinning and without the fun of the night before. had to go to ballarat. bags under eyes made me
look like chemo victim. sun through car window burning eyes through sunnies.. spent whole drive to ballarat leaning away from sun and into air conditioner in middle of dash.. was too hot again as had to rug up against more sun. felt like fully clothed eskimo in sauna.. anyway.. here are photos of my work.. or shall i say here are photos of the sheer carnage.. putt
ing brick retaining wall near front door for herb garden. greenhouse up and full of seedlings too small for film.. more seedlings being raised in styro containers, tools, hay bales and irrigation pipe, bags and bags of poo and piles of dirt and compost everywhere.. i call it progress, most would simply call it a fuckin helluva mess, thank god it's not a friggin rental.

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