maaaaan what a bloody colored sunset.. the water guy finally came this morning at 9am.. i told him i'd been up til 4am and he said "yeah i bet you were.. i wouldn't be able to sleep either..."
er.. wtf?
"40 people died in the fires in this area yesterday"
ERRRRR.... WTF??????????????
"100 homes burned.. they were told it would be wise to evacuate, but it was 48 degrees and no one could bring themselves to go outside, so they stayed and died.."
well a fuckin top o' the morning to you to!
apparently there was nothing to be done for those who weren't already out of the area by the time the fire was within reach due to the gale force winds.. slept through the whole thing.. people totally got fried alive not far from here and now i'm wearing pyjamas and a blanky and it's bloody cold and overcast out there (and windy.. can't forget about that.. had a mini cyclone here again last night but all is well) make up your mind summer!!!
just to make things really clear here.. the paddock next door is chock full of huge round tinder-dry haybales.. so chock full they are actually lined alongside my fence.. then there's a few eucalypts then, there's a few metres, then there's me.. heh
oh who am i kidding.. i don't and won't give a fucking rat's ass until i'm actually on fire.. being mortally afraid is just too exhausting.. besides.. the house is insured.. and i think you all know deep down that i am the kind to make it out of an emergency situation, such as a natural disaster, very much alive..
so anyway a big FUCK YOU VERY MUCH CHANTER for introducing me to my new visual crack-pipe.. Battlestar Galactica.. HOW
FUCKING AWESOOOOOOOOOOOOOME?!?!?!?!?!?!?! The president's a chick.. The best fighter pilot is a chick.. i think i remember in the original, women just screamed alot.. and Starbuck (aforementioned best fighter pilot) just had sex with them... and HOW FUCKING SPOOKY are the robotic cylons? those creepy claws of theirs give me serious
so all you sci fi nerds out there.. this is for you...

more animals
er.. wtf?
"40 people died in the fires in this area yesterday"
ERRRRR.... WTF??????????????
"100 homes burned.. they were told it would be wise to evacuate, but it was 48 degrees and no one could bring themselves to go outside, so they stayed and died.."
well a fuckin top o' the morning to you to!
apparently there was nothing to be done for those who weren't already out of the area by the time the fire was within reach due to the gale force winds.. slept through the whole thing.. people totally got fried alive not far from here and now i'm wearing pyjamas and a blanky and it's bloody cold and overcast out there (and windy.. can't forget about that.. had a mini cyclone here again last night but all is well) make up your mind summer!!!
just to make things really clear here.. the paddock next door is chock full of huge round tinder-dry haybales.. so chock full they are actually lined alongside my fence.. then there's a few eucalypts then, there's a few metres, then there's me.. heh
oh who am i kidding.. i don't and won't give a fucking rat's ass until i'm actually on fire.. being mortally afraid is just too exhausting.. besides.. the house is insured.. and i think you all know deep down that i am the kind to make it out of an emergency situation, such as a natural disaster, very much alive..
so anyway a big FUCK YOU VERY MUCH CHANTER for introducing me to my new visual crack-pipe.. Battlestar Galactica.. HOW

so all you sci fi nerds out there.. this is for you...

more animals
Welcome to the addiction.
So Say We All.
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