whorin' out the wriggler

hey there just a short one as i gotta go break my back pickin snow peas.. here are some photos of pete and f fleur's maggot.. he was overcooked by two weeks.. and the only reason i find him SO MUCH FUCKING FUN is because i can hand the little bastard back to mommy and fuck off back home to enjoy the silence and a good night's sleep. have met a few hilarious guys on line recently, one of them is shaping up to be fairly attractive to me, as he currently is as obsessed with ninjas as i am.. but he lives in goddam frankston.. oh well.. but here!! baby photos!! with me in them! your lame comments about how i look like i want one of my own just because i'm a thiry something female are invited.. fire away.. *primes F-134 minigun for retaliatory fire*
Resist the cluckiness... RESIST!!
Mara with a baby in hand and looking happy is a very scary thing! Clucky yet?!
hey there mara.
I just love keeping i contact with you.... as for the $7 an hour.. HOLY shit. man the casino gives me more to take a shit!!
but then it gave you the shits right, maybe you should marry the vegetable farmer type person.
chat soon babe.
he is so freakin' cute!!!!
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