Friday, February 09, 2007

mad catter

poor little thing. he came in while i was cooking dinner. it was a while before i picked him up. when i turned him around to face me i found his ear and neck all covered in blood with fur missing. he was purring but all weird and struggly. he wriggled out of my arms and sat on the floor SCRATCHING this bleeding wound with his back claws.. really visciously.. he was tearing chunks of fur off with his nails and it just kept bleeding. he shook his head like a dog drying himself off and cat blood went everywhere. i thought well if it's itchy it must be getting infected so i held him down and doused his head with water. cleaned off the blood. then he started twitching. and just going MENTAL scratching his wound like a psycho.. so much blood! i trimmed and filed his claws to stop some of their ripping ability.. but he was just SPASTIC with the itching! i thought well maybe some soothing ointment would help. so i pinned him and smothered him with savlon. which he promptly flicked off. onto my sheets. he got fed up with my meddling right then and when i let him go he scuttled off down the remnants of the chimney.. i can't get to him in there.. but i can hear him shaking his head real fast and scratch scratch scratchin that bite or cut or whatever it is.. fuck.. hope it's not a snake bite.. does venom itch?! oh man if i'm this bad with a fucking cat what am i gonna be like as an aunty?! i just have this vision of him tearing his own ear off overnight.. maybe i should make one of those elizabethan collars that stop them hurting themselves.. can't get to him though.. nng.. if i can find him tomorrow before i go to pick up jen i may have to incarcerate him and take him to the vet.. god i hope it settles down.. i'm going to have to take some of nan's leftover medicine to get me to sleep tonight. poor puss. fuck he's BONKERS!! he's still going!! reminds me of when i got that bug stuck in my ear.. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe he has a bug in his ear.. fuck that is a cunty situation.. that'll make anyone postal.. fuck.. that means he's TOTALLY going to rip his ear to shreds.. the fur will fly with fury!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

:S that's not cool. It makes me think it may be a tick or something, some sort of parasite maybe?

5:48 PM  

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