Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hailing from the nation of Procrasti

ok so i've got a whopping 48 hrs of homework this week.. and that's for someone who actually remembers shit from last year so seeing as it's me, throw in a few hrs of perplexed revision on top of that.. and factor in that it's already saturday and it's due from tuesday onwards and i haven't even begun yet..

oh man get a room.. flies keep fucking on the screen while i'm trying to type.. i dunno what their deal is but i was watching a movie someone sent me, called "don't mess with the Zohan" and they were just all congregating on the keyboard, they were totally drawn to it.. having sex all over the touchpad.. even the dongle was like make-out point. The ones that weren't rooting were tearing around the keys and gave me the distinct impression they were typing fly pick up lines into some invisible fly dating website with the rendezvous point being the drive-in movie keypad two clicks from the compost bucket.. all that was missing was a diner and some bobby socks..

so i'm in english the other day and the teacher is putting all these issues out there for discussion and man.. i forgot just how irritating the arts crowd can be. there were impassioned outbursts on politics and everything ranging from stem cell research to child pornography which i normally enjoy talking about but these people were so self righteous and self assured and self important... that it just made me stay quiet because their indignance was a dead giveaway that if i was to speak my mind, they would regurgitate a barrage of political correctness vertically into my face and i would have had to put them down hard.

too hard for children.. which is what hey basically are.

i didn't want to hurt anybody and that's where it would have gone because i will not take their shit.. and there was no point in giving it either. seriously these students are so totally delusional they actually think their opinions can change the world. they are still kids that think the world revolves around their passions and beliefs and that they have a right to defend them heatedly in any situation.

There is no point in me explaining to them that their positions on a range of popular debates are COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY FUCKING IRRELEVANT TO THE ENTIRE WORLD.. they are convinced otherwise because their parents and teachers told them so.

They haven't been out into the world yet.. the one where no-one gives a fuck about you and is not going to humour you by stroking your ego and telling you you're special person who matters as an individual, who's really really intelligent and really really pretty and really really awesome and wow i'm just fucking astounded such ignorant innocence can survive so.. intact.. i smell sickeningly intense parental coddling.. they're in their twenties for fuck's sake.

i didn't have the best, nor the worst parents and i was made accutely aware that i was not special in any way very early on. so i guess i'm just in awe of them. being able to shout out their opinion about the federal budget and running with that, completely off topic, into a rant about something unrelated that goes on for five minutes.. with such conviction, convinced it's the duty of others to hear them out.. convinced that their shitty little opinion is something special.. convinced they're making good use of people's time.. people who are actually there to learn from the teacher.. i'm amazed they can do that.

The only way i can figure it's possible, is that they're living in a little doll house world, and the doll house is in the play room, and it's hasn't occurred to them yet that maybe those senses of self and safety and importance and meaning.. are just mechanisms that work in the shelter of the play room where life is just a dry run.. like combat training with colleagues in the botannical gardens.. shielded from the reality of the real war in the real jungle..

it's unlikely the mental systems you develop in the garden are going to be compatible with the jungle.. at the very least it'll be fun to watch them slowly realise. i hope atleast some of them begin too.. i can't wait to see them sliding into the sullen awareness as life drags them bit by bit.. out of the dollhouse.. out of the playroom.. out of the house... out of the garden.. and out into the big dark void of anonymity.




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