Monday, March 09, 2009

wear your fuhunkee fuhunkee eye-patch

so this is how pracrastinatory i have become.. hmmmm specialist math homework? or customising blog?

... not much of a competition.

gardened yesterday.. fertilised all my fruit trees with my bullshit... feel better... got strawberries and raspberries under control... made dinner using only stuff i had grown.. roasted jerusalem artichokes, zuchinni, cherry tomatoes, onion, potatoes, with heaps of herbs. didn't make the olive oil or the salt though. next year the olive tree will bear fruit. i'll have to trade if i want salt.

oooh and the guttering is back up so that means it's prolly not gonna rain for like a year now... but it's up! there i was carrying a 6 metre stretch of 9cm wide pvc pipe up 4 metres in the air and what happened? a very large, very long, very powerful gust of wind. so i've got this pipe horizontally pinned between my thighs and the ladder and i'm clinging on for grim death thinking hmmm i gotta prepare to break the bit i land on so i'll aim for ma head... it's the thing i use least heh.. but here i am..

man you'd be surprised how much momentum a long pipe like that can hang onto once it's goin..
i had to swing it the right way round before i got on the ladder and it just wanted to keep turning me around like a dervish. must 've looked pretty funny...

damn you inertia!

may the "m x a" be with you...

god how nerdy is THAT?!?!

remember: resistance is never futile...

it's voltage divided by current...

but wait! i have more...

you think i'll suffer everlasting hellfire? your belief system is thermodynamically unsound.


chemists have all the solutions


thank god for evolution



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