return to hades
i left the casino ten months ago and kazza-four.. she texts me begging me to come with her to the casino - as for 23 years she's been working in casinos and therefore NEVER been able to gamble.. i was like NO. i hate that place. i am not going there. she begged more. i caved. i warned her that i'd probably be crap company as i HATE IT THERE and that under no circumstances were we to go into ANY of the VIP areas.. as i hate THEM EVEN MORE.. she assured me we would stick to the loud skanky main floor.. we went.. we drank - well - kazza is a total WINO so i kept up drink for drink, and she was pretty much herself, while i was quite overly jocular.. we saw heaps of old mates, she gambled and lost (i didn't give a cent as i hate that shithole).. some casino manager dude gave us free drinks, then before i knew it -where were we standing? but the FRIGGING MONTE CARLO VIP AREA.. I WARNED HER!!!.. kazza was telling me that i couldn't say 'cunt' in the VIP area, which was dead quiet, which made me say it about ten times really loudly.. so she walked off and the pit boss comes up all puffed up like a pidgeon that got beaten up heaps in high school and points to me and says "YOU!.. TIME TO GO!" i was like 'ok' and started walking out, as I HATE VIP AREAS AS EVERYONE IN THEM HAS A STICK UP THEIR ASS.. i had NO problem leaving.. then he said some bully stuff.. so i told him fuck you and the horse you rode in on.. and walked out smiling.. which was hard cause i wanted to ask why i was getting moved on for saying cunt, when customers that were loudly threatening to rape mine, barely even got a request to tone down their language.. still it was catharic to finally tell one of the pussy annoying types where to go.. it's still not enough.. i still fill with rage when i think of how much abuse i put up with there.. from both staff and customers AND HOW QUIETLY I LEFT!! atleast i rectified that part somewhat.. but generally it was a good night out.. with a big rock star finish! bout time I caused THEM some fucking trouble i say.. however tame! i should've punched some cunt!
Hey! I CANT BELIEVE YOU WENT TO THE CASINO!!!!!!! Makes me want to vomit thinking bout it. So how many hours did you survive before you got kicked out? Suprised it was hours rather than minutes Hee hee ...Which Pit boss did you go off at? Im Sooooooo proud of you!!!
oh my god you've made me feel so much better mate! ta.. sometimes i try and do the right thing by my own standards and everybody else reacts to me as if i'm doing the wrongest thing in the world.. y'know.. supervisors and shifties disciplining me for standing up for myself when i'm attacked by customers, etc..sometimes i end up thinking that maybe i AM wrong.. maybe i SHOULD submit.. maybe i SHOULDN"T speak my mind in my own language (however vulgar).. but i've tried to be a 'good girl' and it's never worked, so in a world that constantly disapproves of me, it's so fucken awesome to hear a good mate say 'good onya!'.. thanks
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