i bought a second hand mobi 6 mths ago, and a usb cord.. it was my first phone with colour-as i am a tight ass (it has a lame camera but cannot send or receive pics).. then telstra decided to shut the only network my phone can use.. which pissed me off indeed but they gave me a free phone to compensate, it has a 2megapix camera, video camera, mp3 player, i can access email on it.. i fucking love this gadget.. i've never owned a camera (or video camera) let alone one where you can see the shots instantaneously.. i spent about two hours doing a photoshoot today in my front

yard.. with a headpiece of rams horns and no top on.. i was going for "satan and her church" angle but ended up looking like pan.. but even BEFORE i took my big fugly jacket off, every car that went past (about 4- it was peak hour) slowed down to an annoyingly nosey crawl as they gawked out the window squinting in that confused disapproval that screamed "we down't like yer type round heeeyer" as if i had absolutely no right to have an old opera hat on in my own fucking front yard.. what a bunch of inbred retards.. it's funny they classify wearing a novelty hat in private as something 'out of the ordinary' that shouldn't be done, yet t

hey're ok with anally fucking their own children and livestock.. i actually felt threatened.. i didn't move indoors to stop making a 'spectacle' of myself, (as any 'decent' person would) i just had 'the audacity' to carry on with taking photos but i did so preparing myself for the possibility that they would stop their car, get out, and pack rape me, to knock me down a peg or two.. as clearly i'm asking for it doing something so fucking crazy as WEARING A HAT IN MY OWN FUCKING FRONT YARD and not SCURRYING INSIDE to avoid offending any stickybeaki

ng rednecks. surely i don't know my place. so-yeah when i took my top off, even though there was NO ONE for miles, i felt like i was being targetted by 1000 hidden snipers who all had orders to take the shot before i could take any more of mine.. when i heard a car coming, i ducked into my front door cause can you IMAGINE what the reaction would've been like with the horns - TOPLESS?!?! it really pisses me off that as women, we have these gorgeous soft breasts, but we're made to feel as if they're poison, like we can't go past an open window in our own house without making sure they're COVERED, cause heaven forbid if a man saw them and lost his fucking M

IND.. how can such gentle sensous beauty elicit such intense negativity? we suck as a race. my camera, however does not suck in the slightest.
Next time, put on a really scratchy old Wagner record on top volume as well. You think they're freaked out now...
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