insane clown posse party

Went to halloween party dressed as edwina scissorhands, scars on face, every pair of scissors i own taped to gardening gloves with gaffa, lots of stripes and black. it was pretty emo. i was helping my best mates paint their walls very strange colors until ten pm so i got ready and put on all the make up and then went... shit. it's so late. i should've eaten before making with the boozing.. oh well.. so somewhere between sitting on bi-john's lap, kissing the very cute disgruntled flatmate, and telling waghorn that i actually wanted to sleep with him instead of the other guy at gunny's a few weeks ago, i puked my guts up and lost about 80% of my memories of that night. i assume i made another pass at jen.. she's so cute when she's embarassed and she looked hot.. i may have been dry rooting some poor bloke/s on the couch in front of everyone for the hell of it. i may have done a nude lap around the property. but then again.. i could just be assuming the worst because usually i actually ENGAGE in the worst. it's what i do. i remember puking in the toilet then getting worried that other people wanted to piss in it so i started yakking in a bucket in front of everybody in the livingroom.. when i ran out of barf i didn't really feel any better so i kept asking people to say REALLY gross things to make me sick. no one could help in that department (to the antichrist of crass all others pale in comparison) so they fed me a large glass of milk with god knows what in it. i chugged it and hurled it back up and still felt like crap so decided to call it a night and passed out. i don't remember whether most had left before or after that. i am unaware as to whether i received a turkey slapping but i woke up with both my eyebrows and no texta moustache so i have to rate the hospitality of my hosts very highly. the next morning i lay in bed with cute disgruntled flatmate, later daniel joined us, and i babbled until i was dying of hunger and caffeine withdrawal. for those who could eat, it was big breakfast time followed by cheesy movies 'baseketball' and 'harold and kumar go to whitecastle' i remember when i first arrived i told poor friendly chanter to fuck off as he came up on me before i had my gloves on.. then i walked past the group out the front saying "oh spot the role players!! GAAAAAAY!!!" there was about one guy who took it personally i think. he was wearing a large glossy maroon cloak with huge feathered shoulder pad collar thing. i think he was shooting for evil-warlord-from-computer-game-land and maybe was a bit too serious about staying in character.. everyone else was real cool and fun. daniel came covered in green slime and his dogs wore black cloaks. gunny came as an insane clown. piss, piss funny. fanny looked hot in moulin rouge gear so i went up to her and said "are you a whore?" which sounded pretty bad really.. chanter went as death, rhys was a buddhist monk, laurie was one of those dark elves from some gay game but she looked rad with a black face and massive horns. bi-john was a bi-pirate. waghorn, i vaguely recall, had ninja head gear on but it was metallic pink. i think he was the gay pride ninja. there was the odd nurse, vampire, prison escapee and prior to my arrival some guy was a mummy but started to unravel so had to change. i remember stabbing myself in the ear but that was the worst wardrobe malfunction of the night and seeing as there were alot of blades hanging off me, i think that's a fairly good effort. throw more costume parties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love my new name, Bi-John! :D
i miss all the good parties :(
Hehe, I knew we left too early. At that stage the debauchery had not even begun.
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