chimney as my bitch
i have spent the last two days smashing into bricks with a sledgehammer.. my house and everything in it is covered an inch thick in dust.. and my god i'm sick of mushrooms.. they are exploding en masse out of the ground amongst the things i actually planted.. which apparently means i have fertilised my garden WAY too much.. oh well.. shrooms ahoy.. my shoulders and hands are so sore from swinging and hitting but i feel like an amazon.. with a mushroom farm.. so its all good and i can see the kitchen from the livingroom now! the chimney remains are below head level so it's only a few more days work.. and inhaling asbestos, huzzah! i'm trying to make it down tomorrow round noon for the bodywork exhibiton by that hunter von hagen dude that did the live dissections on sbs.. human bits here i come! it's at the showgrounds if any of you wanna come with.. jen tipped me off about it but i dunno if she can make it yet as i haven't been able to catch her up. then i will be going out to dinner with the random internet dude - i may even GASP- get laid! fingers crossed he's not a tool in person.. if he is i will settle for the fact that the food at viet star was worth the trip down.. mmmmmmmmm chimneys
Mart and I are going to that exhibition...woohoo!
Ok. First things first......
Human dead bits and you didnt invite me!!!! How Rude :-/
Second.... Stop using Tool as a insult!!! Gurrrrrr. Tool ROCK! (even if they are totaly tossers)
Mushrooms mean rain, praise [insert goddess of choice]! Are they edible?
hey mara did you go to that discover the human body expo? we went with paul (is a cunting daughter, he blows goats) yesterday. it was awwwwesome!
that exhibition sounds great...maybe i'll check it out if it's still on. watching that show is just like being back in 1st year anatomy class!
hey, how did that random internet dude turn out. gone are the days when i used to meet people on the internet...we're talking close to 15 years ago now. u were mostly guaranteed that they'd be harmless nerds...but nowadays, you know any old fucker can get an email account hahaha!!
too bad about the salvia ladies :( :( have u checked out i've finally got all those Podcasts ready to send you if you can email me your postal address. or shall i just address it to 'The Mushroom Cloud'?
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