Monday, September 03, 2007


it is with pride that i inform you all that i have been effectively sacked. i was warned for a long time before it happened that my boss could be an unbelievable cunt and that he threw tantrums like an extremely violent fat balding three year old with a heart problem. before he had a heart attack apparently he was worse and used to throw spanners and other hardware at employees who happened by when he was in a bad mood. anyway he had to fork out 2&1/2 grand to repair one of the work vehicles. this made him angry. decided to come down to the field and tell us all that we were fuckin shit and he was howling in this high pitched squeal like a little stuck pig and abusing the hell out of us. all the men just stood round him in a circle and listened. as you all know i took enough shit from ill-tempered fuckwits in my years at the casino to fill my lifetime quota and this was my time to shine. i calmly told him not to talk to his employees like that. he told me "fuck up mara" at the top of his squealy little bitch voice. i walked right up to him in the middle of the circle of silent blokes and said 'calm down dave' well that had the desired effect and he fuckin totally lost the plot. he put his nose right up to mine and shouted right in my face 'FUCK UP MARA FUCK UP MARA FUCK UP MARA FUCK UP MARA' his face was so red and spit was flying into my eyes but i stood my ground and told him to calm down again. he turned his back on me and sounded like he was going to cry as he started to yell at the men again. i just thought. nuh. you talk to me like a cunt i'll talk to you like a cunt so in a sweet voice i said 'dave.. one day you're going to get your period and we'll also have to get you a bra and...' he flew off the fuckin handle, cut me off mid sentence, swung around and grabbed me with both hands while screeching like an old woman and tried to fling me. i stiffened and pushed my chest right up to his and slapped him really hard over his heart with the flat edge of my beetroot cutting knife and i growled 'DON'T YOU FUCKIN TOUCH ME' before one of the guys stepped in and pulled us apart. fuck it felt good. he waddled off with his tail in between his legs but he wasn't done.. he knows i hate the shed so he only puts people in there that on't mind it.. anyway i get up theremid morning and he says infront of everyone 'mara you're in the shed'.. i felt so good after getting the better of him that i didn't care as lunchbreak was comin anyway. he came into the lunch room and tried to tell me i was in the shed again after lunch and i said 'i'm not stayin in the shed dave' well round two had begun. he fuckin lost his ass all over the lunch room floor and i stayed as calm as a cucumber..
me: you're not the boss of me mate
dave: gvfijre;smijgvureo;smj!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**%&^%&^&%#%#&!!!!!!!!!!!!
me: you're only tryin to put me in there as disciplinary action when you're the one who fucked up and did the wrong thing.
dave; %^^&&#$(*#))$&&@#7*hrfjkg#&*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me: no i'm NOT in the shed this afternoon dave and if that's a problem for you i'll have you up for assault.
dave:ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you fuckin do that bitch i'll call the cops and have you removed and and and and and AND AND AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me: calm down dave. how many bunches of silverbeet are we supposed to get again?
me: whatever
dave: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (slams break room door...)




anyway i went to the field to pick beet for the rest of the day and there were no police there to cart me off as he is a total fuckin pussy.

i put in a report to senior constable Ferry of the ballarat police department stating that he went schizo with a knife in his hand and manhandled a female half his size infront of several witnesses who were willing to testify should i come to press charges..

i used to toss and turn, angry and sleepless after my daily run-ins with the cunts from work, as it really got to me that i wasn't allowed to stand up for myself without losing my job.

never again.

that night i slept like a fucking baby. a baby that had been heavily sedated and possibly concussed.

dave has not asked me back for any days of work since. quite frankly i don't think i'd go if he did.

schooled by a girl infront of his entire workforce.

eat shit motherfucker and hear me fucking ROAR.


Blogger Chanter said...

Hard... Core.


12:00 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

I think you've just lived out everyone's workplace fantasy. Nobody should ever have to put up with being treated like that.

9:58 AM  
Blogger Sigmund said...



well, sucks you lost that job, but damn, a job like that you dont need.

And what a way to go!

That fully rulez!

He can get tips from his ex-con workers on avoiding getting cornholed if your charge goes well against him.

I doubt their advice would be helpful :p

5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A celebration is the perfect way to savor the victory of the Under Dog! WooF! WooF!

Dog of wonder Dog of light.. lala la la la.. lala... you are now the
Dog of Glory, champion of all the under dogs through out the Universe! HHHHOOOOoooooooOOOOOWWWWWLLLLL!!!!

9:16 AM  
Blogger cupcake girl said...

I love you Mara. You rock in my world! xo

11:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read your blog entry to Michael - he loved it. You cool lady you :p :p Much respect :)

12:35 AM  

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