Friday, March 13, 2009


k so i'm like OMFG OMFG OMFG i have a s.a.c. (school assessed coursework) for each of my five classes next week! i was all psyched up to finally start studying seriously for the year and then the physics teacher goes we are doing the sac over two weeks now-mega stress reduction...

Then my highly incompetent chem teacher basically told us we had already sorta kinda done it.

Then i was surprised to find myself doing it a week early in english last wednesday.

Then pure math got cancelled cause of a fire in the building (more on that later) so we couldn't cover all the stuff to be on the sac so the teacher pushed it forward a week.

so that leaves normal math. which is totally doable... but it's not really enough pressure to get me to study... dammit i was all prepped to be study-bot and now i'm just thinking-bout-maybe-one-day-gettin-round-to-bein-study-bot.

anyway we were doing inverse composite functions and we hear the fire bell downstairs and we're like... it's probably nothing...

then with the full scale GET THE FUCK OUT THE BUILDING IS COMING DOWN sound armageddon... man that shit is loud!! i had to hurf my huge wheelie bag packed full o text books down four flights of stairs in a hurry as we couldn't use the lifts. The whole of degraves street is packed with people looking up and looking at each other and shrugging their shoulders. no smoke no flames. so our maths class is assembled in an alley doorway and we're all WTF and then the random asian guy is missing so i go off to look for him in the crowd and as i pass the foyer i see it's TOTALLY FLOODED and there's firemen going everywhere with all their whizz-bang junk and there's trucks and flashing red and blue lights and it's all very dramatic and everyone's a bit deaf from the alarm and then we find out the sprinkler system went off accidentally on level two and completely flooded everything down to the ground level... so i go tell teacher and she goes: "AGAIN?!"
by the time i got fed up and made for an earlier train home, degraves street was a puddle.
least we know sprinkler system works i guess...
fuckin great timing
inverse composite functions are really tedious


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