Thursday, November 02, 2006

i am my grandest mother?

so close to finishing beds and planting everything now.. got two beds done.. five to go.. hopefully will grow enough food to preserve with nanna's fowler's kit and maybe even sell excess produce at market.. when i was a toddler my nanna used to trip out watching me roll out play dough or scone dough.. apparently i used to put down the rolling pin and pat the dough twice with my right hand.. which is exactly what HER grandmother used to do.. and her grandmother made a living growing vegetables and selling them at the market!.. i think part of me is an old english peasant woman!.. she raised four sons by herself, sent them to school, got them educated and into trades (no mean feat in pioneer australia) and by the time she died she owned four houses. not bad for a single bird in a penal colony starting from utter poverty.. man we're talkin 1800's here! she wouldn't have even been able to fucking VOTE!.. kudos lady! probably lucky her husband died or ran off or whatever.. if he'd been around, everything would've belonged to HIM, even if it was because of all HER hard yakka.. GRRR!!! not these days buddy.. suck me..
well i'm not a foreigner here (although sometimes = feeling like alien) and i'm not a single mother of four.. but dude.. i have no idea where this urge to garden came from.. it feels so familiar.. i know stuff i don't recall ever being taught.. spooky.. and last night.. (this is going to sound tragically new age - but it's much older than that).. last night i was in bed and i heard the rain start and was so happy cause i'd just planted a shitload of seeds as the daylight faded into night and i'd forgotten to water them in.. we haven't had rain for AGES out here.. so lucky! my tank overfloweth relievedly.. it smelt so good.. the rain on the hot sunburnt grass and the newly dug dirt.. i smelt it through my window.. and i couldn't help it.. i got up out of bed, felt my way down the stairs in the dark, took off all my clothing, opened the big front door and began to dance naked in the rain. i spun around with my arms stretched up to the sky, i frollicked in the freshly unearthed seed bed in between rows, i leapt around the potplants and half swung from the branches of the almond tree. then i lay down on the wet, half dead grass and let the rain fall on my body as i listened to a choir of frogs jamming with the pitter patter.. when the mugginess turned cold and the grass began to make the back of me itchy, i went back to bed and was joined shortly after by a wet cat, who had apparently given in to the same instinct.. some ancient memory surfacing, reconnecting me briefly with the planet.. *sighs contentedly*


Blogger Jennifer said...

Somewhere, an ancient pagan deity is smiling :D

9:59 AM  
Blogger Sigmund said...

Just so you know, I have read this post, other than that, I have no clue what to say about it

8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I honestly know how u feel.. being a witch of pagan traditions... i just happen to stumble across ur blog.. im not sure y i got ur site in my search. blessed be sister

11:23 PM  

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